Friday, May 18, 2012

Big Day Tomorrow So SLEEP for today :)

Hello world, well after yesterdays increase from the Mama's milk factory today they thought it would be cool to push me to 9ML and MY OH MY IM FULL!!!  See my tummy up there!! its HUGE! And now im so fat I have a baby Muffin Top!!! OYE! You can see to the right here them feeding me through some odd ball magic wand type of thing. Anyway this made me very tired and Daddy had to lift me and turn me over so he could take my temp, It was 36.2 C (again use google to convert!!) They did not weigh me today though :( they prob thought i would break the scale!!! Momma got a nice brown present today from me too! She didn't like it too much though, and I sure did NOT like the steel wool she used to clean my bottom!!! But ill live :) Anyways Tomorrow is my BIG Picture day!!! Big ole fancy professional photographer from France or something is coming to just take pictures of lil ole ME!! (ok maybe its just some college student trying to get extra work) But Still!! Thats Special who gets there big break at just 7 days old OLIVIA Thats Who!! Well its night night time so goodbye world and tomorrow I'll tell you about my big day!! P.S. I love you Mommy and Daddy!! Your all I know!! ;)



  1. Olivia, there are soooo many of us just waiting to get to know you!!! You ARE very special and we all love you soooooooo much! You are a very lucky girl. Its not everyone that has 3 grandmas, 3 great grandparents and 1 great great grandma! you have your wonderful Godpartents, Aunt Amber and Uncle Chad and way way to many aunts and uncles to name (Joey, Vicki, Terry, Tia, Marcus, Amber, I know there are more! Im sorry Im old and cant remember them all!) That fancy french photographer better take lots and lots of pics cause everyone in the whole world will want one! You keep growing baby girl! I love you! MUAH!

  2. opps! forgot the grandpas!!! lol you have 2 grandpas too! Im so silly!

  3. We all love you little girl. Hope you come home soon!
    Lots of love!
    Aunt Sarah

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi my Little Sweetpea Olivia! I am your grandma Berta but you can just call me Grandma all the other kids do.I am sorry that it's taken me so long to write to you but your silly grandma needs help figuring out how to use all this computer stuff.So your auntie Sarah showed me I hope that I do it right this time!I miss you even though I have not seen you yet.But we don't want to make you too excited so I will just have to wait until the Dr. says it's ok. I know that you wondering if you will ever get big enough to come home,I can tell you that you will. And if you wondering how I know that for sure,well I will let you in on a little secret. A very long time ago when I was born I too was a preemie I was about the same size as you.I too had to stay in a warm plastic box much like your's. After a little wile I got to go home with my mommy and daddy. And now I am all grown up with kid and grandkids. So I know that you will soon come home to all of us who love you, and you will grow up to do any thing that you want to do.I am going to let you get some sleep now because that is the best thin for you next to your mommy's good food. I will see you soon I hope!
