Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Hello World It's Olivia Remy Vannoy!!!!!

Hi my name is Olivia Remy Vannoy, I was born May 11th 2012. Now as you probably already know by now I was not supposed to come out till around August but that's not what I WANTED! I wanted to meet my mom and dad soooo much that the wait was annoying me , so out I came! (Besides I think I was running out of living space inside of mom!) I weighed a whopping 2 pounds 3 ounces. Some people thought I weighed more but that was because I had a machine attached to me to help me breathe. I am currently staying in Tacoma General Hospital in their NICU Unit. A bunch of nurses and doctors get to take care of me when my mommy and daddy can't. They tell me this is where I need to be for a while to grow up big and strong so I can go home. So it is what it is, for now i will stay in my box and just sleep! I also got this tube now to help me breathe for a lil while because i just cant' figure out how the heck to do it on my own (I'll figure it out soon though I promise). I also got a tube in mouth for food cause even lil preemies need food too!! Now the Picture you see of me above was the day I was born and the HUGE hand you see is my dad's. I wanted to see everyone so much that I never thought if I came out to early that I would still be stuck here waiting. So here I am in my big warm plastic box waiting once again to see my family, good news is that I can see My mommy and Daddy now with my own eyes, I guess I should have been more patient! Seeing how I have to live in this plastic box for awhile I figured I would keep you all up to date on everything that is me.
May 12th 2012.
Now I may not look too hot here but I got to see my dad with my own eyes for the first time today!! He is pretty big but I love him and he is everything I wanted him to be :). Still no mommy but My daddy told me she would be by on Mothers Day to see me for the first time and I'm excited!!. Now they stuck that big all mask on me to keep my lungs open so I can breathe like a big girl when i get out, and like I said i would I am breathing on my own!! Who needs a breathing tube not this girl!! Now my head gear that's another issue, I know its not the most fashionable type of thing to be wearing this time of the year but hey what can i do I wanted out and now I'm stuck with a giant tube on my nose! Also the bruises the Dr. gave me while getting me out of mommy are starting to go away and I'm feeling a lot more relaxed and happy! Daddy stayed for about an hour and got pictures and videos for mommy to see. He also told me he loved me and I got to hear it for the first time!! All and all it was a good day to be me and tomorrow I get to see my mommy!!
May 13th, 2012.
Happy Mothers Day!! and what a way to spend it!! Today I met my mom for the first time!! Wow she is a beautiful lady good work dad!! and she is soooo Nice too!! I opened my eyes as long as I could to see her but my headgear is really in the way!! But hey I tried Mom! and I got to hear her say I love you to me for the first time! I love feeling loved!! This is Exactly why I wanted out early!! She shook my hands and rubbed my head It was a great day! I also got this very cool neon blue blanket ( that is making all the other ICU babies jealous) I guess it is supposed to make my bruises go away and supposed to make my yellowness fade off, they say its important so bring it on Doc! The bad part is they have to also put that blue light on my face :( But I did get this cool beauty mask to sleep with! I also started eating real milk for the first time, 2 ML every 4 hours, I know its not much but hey I'm not that big yet! It was a good day Mom and Dad together with me! I can't wait to have more of this! Well back to sleep because that what I do 22 hours a day!! Happy Mothers day Mommy!
May 14th, 2012.
Well look at me already under the spotlight!!! Ya that's right a future star is born, Watch out world!! But for now I get to bask In my special light with my cool Beauty Shades! Some wise guy Dr. drew eyes on my shades though (everyone has jokes). Anyway today was good all 2 hours of it I was actually awake! Dr says sleep equals growth so sleep I will! But out of those 2 hours I got to see mom and dad again! Pretty much nothing new other than the fact I lost a little weight and I now get to drink Mommy's milk now, (not that 2nd hand stuff) yuck! So ya back to sleep. I love you mommy and daddy and thank you for keeping me company when I am awake, and I'm actually not crying when you think I am I just wanted you to hear me and know that I'm ok :)
May 15th, 2012.
So on my 5th day on this planet I get introduced to socks!! Fancy Fancy! and my feet stay warm!! Great invention guys!! Mom tried to put them on me but got scared (of what who knows!) But daddy got them on me and my feet are much better! They stayed with me for an hour almost and my mommy wiped my face and took my temperature which was 36.4 degrees Celsius ( and no I cant convert that for you I'm on 5 days old use Google!) I also lost a lil more weight dropping me to 2 pounds even.That's my mommy up there holding my hand! She looks so happy and pretty :) Daddy took my beauty mask off so I could see them. I opened my eyes for a bit to see that they were there then went back to sleep to bask in all the love around me. Later my mom changed my diaper for the first time AND she did it all by herself!! (I am personally shocked after the sock incident!) Another good day to be me lil ole me, I sure do love my parents and they sure do love me ! Back to sleep world See you tomorrow!!



  1. You are definitely loved miss Olivia!! Keep fighting and getting strong!

    We love you!!

    Kalia, Brian and family :)

    p.s. Mat and Landi thanks for putting this together and making me cry! haha Love you guys!

    1. i wish i could take part of the credit... but it was all Mat :)
      hes so crafty!

  2. This is Lisa Bryant comes up my shop page. This is such a sweet page for her. I also could not help from having a few tears while reading this. She is so precious. And my heart goes out to both of you that your little angel Olivia gets stronger an bigger everyday. You two stay strong, I will keep prayers your way that she will be home with your family soon. And keep you all in my thoughts. Lisa bryant

  3. Keep up the good work Olivia so we can play soon! I can't wait to meet you!

    Your birthday twin,
    Casey (Brian and Jamie too!)

  4. Don't worry too, your dad is not crying either its just allergy season!

  5. I love this! Keep it up, Olivia!!! We love you and can't wait to see you! Aunt Vicki, Uncle Terry, Matti and Sammi

  6. You are to cute! precious, I can't wait for you to come home!!! You think your loved now? Wait till you see all the rest of us!!

    Love , love, love you Olivia! Grammie, Papa and Skooter Harris

  7. Keep geowing big and strong... Do what the doctors tell you! We all want you to come home. Uncle Chad & I love you very much and can't wait to hold you!

    Love, Auntie Amber

  8. Hi, Ruthie Miles sent me the link to your blog. Our twins were born three months premature two years ago. They were two pounds each and stayed in the NICU until their original due date. I know you are experiencing a lot of emotions right now but remember that she is in excellent care and God is holding her even when you can't. We have a blog - - where we documented our NICU experience and still share about how far they have come in two years. Please let me know if you need anything; I know sometimes it helps to see how far other babies have come.



  9. Wow! That's amazing. Thank you for sharing with us. We will check out your blog. You're right, it does help :-)
    Thank you for reaching out to us!!

  10. Thanks for sharing all of this; she is beautiful, and strong. i will be keeping you all in my prayers, but know that this is going to be an amazing testimony for all of you about the power of love. Lil Olivia has love all the way from Greenville, SC! <3 <3
