Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Sleepy Day but I got LOTS of Visitors!!!

Well as you can see above I was pretty out of it!! Probably because of all my heart Med's. Tomorrow they will find out if my Medication helped my heart at all. ( So again PRAY FOR ME PEOPLE!! ) Today they ran another Neurological test on my head and found out the bleeding in my brain did not increase so the Dr's or no longer worried about that and I won't get another test probably till I am out of here! So GOOD NEWS PEOPLE!! Told ya I'm a fighter!! Now if I could just kick this heart thing I will be good to go!! Today they measured me again and I am 39.5 cm long which just a hair over 15 in a half inches!! So ya I basically grew a hair! (Or Maybe I just stretched a little bit more this time who knows) and my head was 23.5 cm around which is 9 1/4" around. So my head actually got smaller, (Weird I know I think they just messed up the first time!!) I also gained an ounce pushing my chub level up to 2 pounds 8 ounces!! So ya I crossed the halfway point of a pound and I'm on my way to 3!!! (And I did all that with my food supply cut off!!) So I have been very hungry for my mama's milk but I still have to wait till tomorrow for my normal feeding again. Well ya that's pretty much my day... OH WAIT I forgot my parents friends/family/best friends came to see ME today!!! And sorry mom and dad I think they like me now more than you!! (Didn't mean to steal your friends guys!) First was Krista and as you can see she was VERY happy to meet me. (See Below)! 
Daddy flipped me over, then took my temp, then changed out my foot sensor. Next mama changed my diaper then it was loving time from Auntie Krista!! She was with me for a long time and I LOVED it she is just like my mama and made me feel safe and secure, Daddy said she started to tear up and all I gotta say is AUNTY KRISTA Knock it OFF!!! I am good, strong and safe and I will be ok!! (But don't worry I have to tell my mom these things DAILY!!) Then next it was Steve and Loni!! (See Below)!
Now by the time they saw me I was already wrapped up for the night so I was under the impression it was sleepy time, So Sorry guys I didn't open my eyes for you :( But I knew you were there and that's all that matters to a little princess like me!! Like Krista they loved on me and introduced themselves to lil ole me! I was shocked when even Steve Loved on me!!! Loni wanted to color my nails but I don't think that can happen any time soon! (Sorry Lady!) But later I promise!!! Man oh man I am such a lucky girl to know I have all these people coming to meet me and to see me and to care for me :) I'm so little but I love being filled to the top with soooo much love from you guys!! There was so much excitement today! I had visitors for over an hour! But with all that excitement I now need my rest so it is time to call it a night!! Tomorrow I get my test results on my heart so Wish me luck, and I love you all!!



  1. Precious Princess Olivia, you have so many people loving and kissing on you if only in their thoughts! My oh my! Did Daddy tell you how many people are reading about you and praying for you and your family! Thousands!!!! Not kidding one little bit! So you keep growing and we will just hang out incase you need anything! Deal? Deal! Love you Princess Olivia

  2. Miss Olivia you got me tearing up again! Im so happy and blessed to be a part of your life. You are such a precious little angel. I really wanted to steal you today, and snuggle you but unfortunately we will have to wait til you go home. I love you baby girl and I'll be back to see you soon :') hugs and kisses and lots of lovins from auntie krista......
    Be strong tomorrow. I'll be praying and thinking about you!
