Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Cool, Quiet Day With Family & A New Friend!!

Man am I looking good or what!! See what happiness when you put on weight and your not all sick all the time, you start to look like an actually baby!! And seeing how I am supposed to be a Princess/Diva Baby I was really slacking!! But now look at me posing and loving life!! I'm gonna be on the cover of Vogue magazine someday just you watch people!! Now the reason I am in such a super duper good mood is because of multiple things. FIRST My Grandpa Andy came to see me!!! SECOND My mommy and daddy came to see me!! THIRD My mommies friend Chad came to see me!! And LAST (and the most important one of them all) I AM 4 POUNDS TODAY!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!! I Have almost doubled my birth weight in a matter of 6 and a half weeks!! So yes people that is a reason to be happy and to celebrate!! I would pat myself on the back but I would probably hurt myself or dislocate an elbow or something and we don't need anymore setbacks!! So I'll leave the congratulations to you guys!! And that was about it, still no mama's milk, still no crib, Still have the PICC line, but I am A'OK!
As you can see above I am getting so talented lately I can hold my Binky with one hand behind my back!!! :) But enough with the showing off, i'll save my talents for when I am out of the box :) Now like I said earlier my Grandpa Andy came in for about 45 min and I was still real tired so I pretty much slept the entire time :( Sorry Grandpa!! BUT he did notice that my tubes fell out of my nose and he was kind enough to let the nurse know so they could help me out!! :) Thank you Grandpa Andy you are a life saver!!! He loved on me the entire time talking to me too, Even though my eyes were closed grandpa I still heard you and I love you so much, and thank you for coming !! 
Shortly after Mama and Daddy came in and they brought me a new friend!! Chad!! ( Not God Father Chad, this is good friend Chad!!) So don't get confused people!! Daddy lifted me up and flipped me around then took my temp which was 37.3C and then changed my foot probe. Then mama came in to do the diaper, now I thought my mama's was the pro's pro at changing preemie diapers but she had a teeny set back today, she let me PEE ALL OVER ALL MY BANKETS!!! Oye then daddy had to come in and lift my bottomless butt up in the air so mama could get all my blankets off! THEN I PEED ALL OVER DADDY HAND!!! All the while my new good friend Chad watched in horror!!! Man oh man how embarrassing!! Finally mama was able to cleanup the mess she let me make (way to go mom!!) and then daddy had leave to go wash up, but I had a clean diaper and clean sheets so it all worked out in the end :) After that fiasco I just laid there staring off into the world and visiting with my new friend Chad, se below :)
Like the hundreds of visitors before him (Haha Just kidding) he just stared at me and smiled and loved on me the whole time :) Thank you for coming in to visit with me today Chad I was sooooo happy to meet you!! And AGAIN I am sorry you had to witness this princess in one of her not so fine moments ;) After that Daddy swaddled me back up in my blankets and it was back to bed for this princess!! I have more growing to do, So I will see you all tomorrow!! Again thank you to all my visitors today, you sure made my day!! And I can't wait to see you all again! ESP you Chad  you were real nice to me :)
Goodnight World, and I love you all :)



  1. Livi bear, you made me really laugh out loud!! You silly silly girl!!! Love you bunches!! I think I will try to see you sat too! Goodnight and great job at just being you! !!

  2. You peed on daddy? Good job baby girl!! Keep working on growing big & strong so you can get upgraded to a big girl crib! We love you Princess :)

  3. Loved reading your story tonight warrior princess Olivia. You really made me smile. Don't worry about Chad seeing you pee. I'm sure he got over it once you were all clean again and he was able to bask in your beauty. Keep doing a good job at staying heathy and getting bigger. Goodnight little warrior princess Olivia.

  4. As your best friend I should of read this daily as I will now. I'm glad she's doin better and gaining weight I can't wait to see her!

  5. I am soooo!!!!! very proud of you. You are looking so much better.Just keep up the good work and you will be home in no time.And as always I love you my little sweet pea.Hope to see you soon.Grandma XOXOXO

  6. Awwwww sweet girl you had me laughing! You should pee on daddy more often haha jk Can't believe how much you have grown since i've seen you last so that means i need to visit again soon!! As always sending love your way princess we love you so much xoxoxo

  7. Wow gorgeous girl. Look at you getting so big and strong. Keep up the good work. Prayers still coming for you and your family.

    1. Thank you so much! Soon she'll be home I hope... Fingers crossed :-)
