Monday, November 26, 2012

A Week of Family & Friends :) & My 6 Month Shots :(

Hello Everybody! Well after a pretty slow and calm week last week, this week was VERY busy!! This past week as you all already know was Thanksgiving! My very First!! And it was also my 6 month check up!! Now this was just my normal checkup that all babies get at 6 months, and I will get into more of that later. But first things first! I have been doing so much better with seeing, grabbing, and playing with all my toys! I can grab super good now, and I can kick all my dangling toys really good too! I just love the sound it makes when my foot makes contact! Sometimes I try talking to my toys with my lil coo's and hum's but they never respond :( Oh well I'll just keep smacking them around with my lil feets until they talk back!! :) Other than that I still haven't figured out how to giggle or laugh yet :( But I still think I am close!! And my nights have been just about the same, wake up here and there, but I go back to sleep just as quickly as I wake up, so that's good :) Wanna see my hug my favorite toy!! Look Below!
Like I said earlier I had my Dr's appointment this week and it was my 6 month check up so that means...... I got stabbed :( Yes it was horrible, I got 4 shots!! It was insane! They struck me with that needle 4 times, 2 in each leg! It was so quick I didn't have a chance to react before the next one got me!! I turned bright red then exploded with a giant yell!! The nurse put some fancy bandaids on me and before I knew it the pain went away and I was feeling much better :) But STILL little preemie princess's that have been through as much as I have shouldn't have to go through such things!! Yikes!
Also at my Dr. appointment I got GREAT news!!! I can  now move to regular formula!! No more extra calories for me!! I still need my iron drops twice a day but that is it!! I am FINALLY starting to feel like a little normal little baby!! :) I was also weighed and I now weigh 13 pounds 13 ounces!!! That's over 11 pounds I grew since birth!!! I also grew a whole inch in length since the last month I was measured! So now I am 25 1/4" long! My head grew too, it is now at 40cm. So I guess all the extra calories from my formula was paying off, and I am really starting to finally fill out!! :) Oh and that is not the only thing growing, my hair is REALLY coming back now, so pretty soon I should have all my beautiful locks back :) The Dr. also did a smile test with me. He took a book with a bunch of babies smiling to see how I would react when I look at them, and guess what, I smiled right back at the pictures!! This I heard is something that normal 6 month old babies do, and look at me I am only "actually" 3 months and already wowing Dr's with my intelligence! I am becoming such a smart little princess :) That was about it for the news at the Doctor's. Sometime next week I will have to go back and get one more shot :( Oye I am not looking forward to that, but as always I will be fine :) 
Now the other big news of the week is that it was Thanksgiving, and that means ALL of my favorite people came to visit just me!! (Well everyone in the family actually, but mostly just me!!) We had two Thanksgiving dinners because just about everyone had plans on thursday, so everyone who couldn't make it made plans to come over for dinner on friday. On thursday my Grandma Berta and Uncle Joey came over to have dinner with my Mommy, Daddy, Alexis and I :) It was mighty fun I havent seem my uncle Joey in quite a long while and he got to hold me and even got to feed me which was really neat :) I spent a bunch of time WATCHING people eat the great smelling food while I was just stuck here with my bottle :( Man I cant wait to grow some teeth so I can join in on the fun!! After Dinner I spent time with Grandma and Alexis posing for some pictures :) It was real fun seeing you guys, thank you so much for coming over and spending time with us :)
Here you can see my sister and I getting in on all the photo fun :) Hehehe too bad I look grumpy though! Oye anyways on friday LOTS of family came over to see me! First it was Vicki, Terry, Matti & Sammi! Then it was Grammy Rolene! Then it was Grandpa Andy with Grandma Debbie!! Then Jade Came too!! Then the God Parents Amber and Chad Came!! My brother's Jayce and Preston were here too along with Alexis :) Wow lot's of people means LOTS of fun for me!!! The day started off with the Apple Cup where Sammi and I were pitted against each other in a battle of Purple and Icky Crimson...... and well we will just pretend that I got the outcome I wanted and leave it at that :) Ugh stupid Cougs! Anyhow Grandpa Andy got to hold me for a while and then it was pass the baby around to everyone else:) I think EVERYONE that day got a chance to spend some time with me and that sure made my day :) Then yet again everyone ditches me to go eat some great smelling food, and I get left in a bassinet :( Ugh! Afterwards everyone visited then I was off to take my nap!
Now I did forget to mention that I got to go SHOPPING this week too!! Yes it was baby's first black friday!!! And my oh my was that exhausting!! Mommy and daddy were all running around stores like crazy while I was just watching all the madness around me!! It was intense!! Lots of people moving around, and I got so exhausted from looking at all these people I decided I was just gonna go to sleep! I don't think I ever want to be apart of all that ever again! But it was fun being out of the house though, lots of new things to stare at and analyze, even though I spent most of the time asleep :)
Now I heard that this holiday is special. It is when families get together and give thanks for all the wonderful things in their lives. And my oh my I have sooooo many good things! I could not even begin to list them all off, but I will try! First of all thank you to all my family and friends, this has been a very long year for all of you, and yet all of you have stuck by me and gave me your best wishes even though I have been nothing but a trouble maker since the beginning! I can't even begin to tell you how much I appreciate all of that. All the things you all do really mean the world to me even if it is as small as walking up to me and smiling or as simple as reading this blog. You all are my world and I love you all sooo much!! I am also thankful for all my Dr's and Nurses that stuck with me every hour of everyday for over 3 months to bring me home to my family :) Even today all you guys are in my thoughts and prayers :) Knowing that all of you are out there making sure other little preemies like myself are getting ready to go home really makes me happy... So very happy! :) Lastly I am VERY thankful for my pretty clothes and toys!!! Mostly because I had NONE of these things when I was stuck in my plastic box, and now I don't think I could ever go a day with out them!! :) Now I am not trying to be materialistic here I just don't know much of anything else just yet :)
And as you can see above it is about that time, the time for me to GO TO SLEEP!! So I will catch you all next week, once again THANK YOU ALL for spending your time with me reading my babble & I LOVE YOU ALL!!  I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and I will see you all next week :)


1 comment:

  1. Sorry we didn't get to visit you for your first Thanksgiving but we'll see you soon beautiful!!
