Monday, February 18, 2013

Big Brother's Birthday! & More Fun!!

Well what a week it's been! As usual it starts out always very slow and quiet then POOF we have a huge party with like 30 people over for my brother's birthday party!!  But before we get into all of that, how was everyone's week??? I hope it was as wonderful as mine! My days have been getting much more exciting lately that’s because of all the new things I am getting to get my body to do! Like for example I can now pretty much hold my balance for a good amount of time when I am sitting up! I still get a little erratic at times and get excited and fall over, but for the most part if I am focused on something such as a toy, I can stay up for a long time!! I get to practice all the time now too! With no swing or cradle to lay me in I pretty much am forced to sit up from now on! I still love sitting in the big chair mommy and daddy sit in. It’s very comfy and lets me just sit back, relax, and play with my toys :) I am also passing toys from hand to hand now on a regular basis so take that nurses! I told you I could do it :) Oh and ya I still aint the biggest fan of laying on my tummy :( I just don't have enough upper body strength to handle it at the moment, but I am working on it daily so maybe soon I will make my attempts at crawling :)
I got to eat LOTS of good food this week too! It included Bananas, Apple sauce, carrots, Oatmeal and pears, and they were all very yummy with banana's still the clear favorite! Even though I am really starting to like rice now a lot too! I also now hate a certain food. Yep can’t stand it! Worse thing EVER!! Should never EVER be forced to eat it again too!! EVER MOM YOU HEAR~!!!!! Yep that food is nasty ole peas!! YUCK! Now I know why daddy hates them so much GROSS!! So mom, FYI, throw them out!! :) I am still taking rice in my bottle at night too and I had another week in a row of only waking up once :) See you guys! Food was the answer and now I am finally getting all the sleep I need at night :) Now I am sleeping in my crib full time now, but I think I have had the hardest times getting comfortable! Every night when mommy and daddy go to bed they find me upside down or sideways or 2 feet away from where they originally put me!! Sometimes I even accidentally roll completely over and get stuck like a tipped cow!! It is not very funny for me at all, quite traumatic actually! I scream and scream when this happens until someone comes and rescues me! You see I still have to sleep with a halo so I have no way of using my hands to save myself!! So ya I pretty much bounce around my whole crib at night while I am asleep! Weird huh, I don’t think I will ever be able to stay still!! :)
The week went by very quickly and then all of the sudden it was my brother’s big birthday party! Now this was a big one because he turned 10!! And you could tell how big it was by all the people that came over to see me! Ooops I mean Jayce :)  My Grandpa Andy came over, Jade and D and Jordyn, Loni and Steve and their kids Justin and Brianna, My auntie Sarah and Uncle Seth, My Uncle Joey and Grandma Berta, My Auntie Krista and her kids Brookie and Jesten and Grandma Julie! My Uncle Terry and Auntie Vicki and both my cousins Matti and Sammi! Then we had Preston, Alexis, Mom and dad of course, and then Jayce’s friends Jordan, and Tyler! You can see it was pretty much a full house!! I got to watch him open up all his awesome presents too! I can’t wait to have my own birthday party! Heck he has had 10 now and I am still waiting on my first!! Then of course I got to see the best part and that was the cake! Looked mighty yummy and can you guess how much I got to eat!!??!! Yeah that’s right, none :( Mommy doesn’t like me too much I think :( Just kidding mom, I am still too young for all that sugar, but SOON like 3 months from now soon when I TURN 1!! Anyways a bunch of his friends all stayed the night and so did Brookie so it was a very fun kid’s night at the Vannoy Household! And of course I got my loves from everyone there, the best part of my day! Everyone got to hold me and cuddle it sure was awesome! Happy birthday Big brother I hope you had the best birthday yet! And don’t forget to throw me one just as big when I turn 10!!
Now the next day we all took a trip to Grammies house! Oh yeah that’s Grandma Rolene in case you didn’t know! Again it was for a birthday party too! It was Jayce’s birthday party, my cousin Matti’s birthday party AND my Grandpa Gary’s Birthday party!! Grammie couldn’t make it to Jayce’s birthday party Saturday so she decided to throw one for him and everyone else at the same time!! They all had the coolest cake too! See Look!
They all got to keep a car too! Must be lucky for all those guys to get cake two days in a row when I can’t even get any once!!! Ugh and to top it all off they all got BBQ while I got introduced to peas!!! And if you read earlier you can guess how well that one went! Oh well at least I got to spend lots of quality time with Grammie!! I got to show her all my new tricks and how I can kick my legs really hard in the ground to make noises and my crazy noises I make all the time AKA Singing! I could tell she was very impressed and I was very happy to spend all that time with you :) Thank you Grammie for all the lovings!! And happy birthday to you Grandpa Gary!! I love you!!! And Matti, I will be at your birthday party next week too! So YAY another party I get to go to and that means another party that I will be denied cake :( Ugh oh well one day I will get mine :) Thank you all for such a wonderful weekend!! I just love being around all my loved family and friends! Heck even when I am not the star of the show I still love it!! :)
Oh Look! Here is a group photo of all us kids and Grammie! Awesome photo except Jayce's crazy "smile"!! And now just like always it’s time to say bye-bye :( Yep I am pretty tired after writing all of this with my little baby hands that I now need my princess sleep! 
You see LOOK!! I am hard at work on my blog, while daddy is doing the typing and Brian is making sure I don't fall over!! Thanks Guys! :) Oh and but before I go I need to remind you all that we only have 74 days left to donate to my March for Babies walk! So PLEASE spread the word about my group! We already got posted on the March of Dimes site because we now have ten members walking for me :) Thank you all for your support! And remember you can go to my team page by just clicking on my beautiful pretty little face below :) I love you all and again Happy Birthday to Jayce,  Gary , and Matti :) Good night everyone and I will see you all next week!

March For Babies Team Olivia Vannoy! 
Click My Pretty Face to Help Support Preemies Like Me Today!! :)

1 comment:

  1. I am always amazed by your growth, improvements and all the little things you do that make you you! Adorable!
    Sorry I missed Jayces party. :-( Either Mommy forgot to tell me or I forgot Mommy told me about it. Either way I probably wouldn't have come since I can't drive anymore and hate asking for rides. But I got to see you all one Sunday and got one of the best pictures! I'm going to have copies made since this is already one of my favorites! Its the one of all of us up above! ^

    Love you warrior princess
