Monday, February 25, 2013

My First Weekend Away, AND I GOT A TOOTH!!!!!!!

Hello Everyone!! How was your week??? Mine was just fine and wonderful as usual, and it ended with sleepover to Auntie Jades and the discovery of my first tooth!!! WOW! But before we get into all that lets talk about the week that was! First I have been pretty cranky all week! No one really knew why and nor did I, but I was still sleeping for the most part all through the night. I usually just wake up around 5am when daddy gets up for work now, so it’s been working out just fine :). I seem to be taking less naps lately as well, mostly because I just LOVE to stay up and take in all the fun things around me! Like playing! I just love sitting on the ground or on the couch with a bunch of my toys all around me! I pick them up chew on them, hand them off to my other hand, or throw them back down to the ground to grab another toy! I can do this for hours! Or at least till I get hungry! All my toys now I can grab and throw around and chew on, before I could only pick up really small stuff, now I can pretty much grab anything! I even lean forward to try to get stuff I normally could not reach! Heck I can even almost sit up on my own now without someone holding me! I eventually fall though, but it’s a heck of a lot better than what it was before!! I also have been forced to lie on my tummy lately so my mom can FORCE me to try to start crawling, and ya that's not going so well... I just look like a fish out of water, flailing around like a lunatic until I get upset and start crying! When I do start moving when I'm on my tummy I just end up going in a weird looking circle too. Ugh I’ll get better at it though, at least I sure hope so! I’m also talking A LOT more than I ever have! I just talk and talk and talk! I talk to my toys but they never respond, then I try to mimic my brother Jayce but he don't seem to understand me :( And then I try to talking to daddy and he just makes the same noises back, and ya I don't understand him at all, then I try to talk to mom and then she makes even crazier noises at me and all I can think of is either I am not communicating correctly, or these people just don't know how to talk! One day maybe I will understand them or vice versa :) Either way I have found my voice and I aint going to stop using it!! :) Lastly I can finally rollover on my own :) YAY for me!! I can even roll back to my front too! So I can't wait to show the DR. all my new moves next visit!! :)
And speaking of the dreaded Dr's, tomorrow I have my next synagis shot :( Oye. At least that is the only thing I am going to be going in for. But like always I will get all the good news on my weight, height, and head size. At least I assuming it's going to be good news! Mamma and Grandma have been feeding me all kinds of food lately too! And I sure LOVE IT! I am now eating almost the whole jar every time I get some food! Mom is going to try to keep feeding me as much food as possible and trying to start cutting back on my bottle too so that should be interesting to say the least! Last week I got to eat strawberry applesauce, bananas, peas (yuk) some carrots and some new rice with pears and apples in it.  Mom is also starting to feed me a big meal before bed every night to help me stay asleep at night, and so far it’s been working like a charm!!
Now remember earlier when I said I have been cranky all week, well I think now we all finally know why! Out of nowhere on Friday afternoon, auntie Jade came over and BEGGED to watch me over the night and weekend. So mom and dad gave the ok, but before I left, I was sitting there on Jade’s lap and I tried to chew on her hand, she then let out a yelp because she had found out that I HAVE A TOOTH!! FINALLY!!!! YAY FOR ME!!!!!! That little pearly white popped out of nowhere on the bottom middle of my mouth! It is kind of behind my gums at the moment so dad could not get a good picture of it, BUT I am sure you be able to see it quite clearly very soon! Now so far that is the only one that has come in, but I hear once one comes out they all starting popping out! I CAN’T WAIT!! Yes it may hurt pretty bad at the moment, but I love food so much and that means I get to eat even better stuff really soon!! So until then I will keep chewing on my toys and people’s hands until the other toother's to come!! Wow just lots of new things for me this week!! :)
 Now like I said earlier, I got to spend my first weekend away from home! (Well since coming home in August that is) and let me tell ya it was quite fun and very different all at the same time! The first night I got to hang out with Jayce and Jordyn and I got to watch them all play some games on the big TV, which I didn't quite understand but it looked absolutely wonderful all at the same time! I had a good night that night, I only woke up once and was in shock when there was no mommy or daddy!! Luckily Jade was there to coax me back to sleep with a fresh bottle :) The very next day we had a birthday party to go to!! As you can see above I got to play with some other babies there too! My friend above is named Avery and she just turned 8 months! I think she was pretty jealous of my fancy pink coat!! But we sure had fun playing :)
The Birthday party was for Jades friends daughter Joselyn whom just turned one! I am super close to my first birthday of course so it was nice watching someone else have theirs so I can gather pointers on how to act at my first birthday!! Especially when it comes to the eating cake part!! Oh I can't WAIT for that part!! I got to once AGAIN watch everyone else have cakes, and me yep I got nada :( BUT I did get some good food AKA my favorite Banana's and Rice Cereal :) Later that night I got real cranky cause my teeth started hurting again, so I got some Orajel and I was out for the night! I woke up about 2-3 times that night, but it was just because I kept talking to myself out of boredom!! Sometimes I just hate sleeping especially when everyone else is asleep it gets pretty lonely but I was able to fall right back to sleep :)
As you can see above the crankiness from the night before led to a scratch on my cheek! When I get cranky I tend to flail my hands around too much and next thing you know I hurt myself :( Well the next day it was off to mommy and daddy's house! I sure did have fun with you Jade! Thank you so much for having me over :) I love you!!! But I sure did miss my mommy and daddy so I was glad to be home! :) They sure did miss me too, I could tell by all the lovings I got all day long!! Well once again its time to go nighty night time! Tomorrow I have my Dr's appointment so be sure to wish me luck! Oh and don't forget we only have 64 days to go for my March for Babies walk! Please be sure to click my beautiful picture below to see where our group is when it comes to reaching our goal! And be sure to tell your friends to help out all the Preemies everywhere! I love you all, and hopefully next week I will have a picture of my first tooth to show you all! Oh and PS thank GOD for Orajel :)

Good Night!!!

March For Babies Team Olivia Vannoy! 
Click My Pretty Face to Help Support Preemies Like Me Today!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Your getting so big! I have missed so much of your growing :-( maybe Mom and Dad would let me have you one day or night soon. Love you Warrior Princess
