Monday, February 4, 2013

I Can Eat FOOD Now!!! Hallelujah!!

Hello everyone!! Hope your week was as GREAT as mine! Why was it so great you ask? Well that's because FINALLY after 8 LONNNNNNG months I am allowed to eat food!! Now I will get into that much more later :) Remember last week when I said I had to go to my Dr's to get my shots? Well ya that happened last Tuesday and what a rough time that was!! First off daddy got home early from work to take me and when we got there we had to wait and wait and waaaaaaaaait!! They then decided it was time to do my 6 month checkup, then realized I am really almost 9 months so decided to do that check up as well. Oye I think they maybe forgot I was a preemie or something because the nurse was mighty confused! 
Anyways they finally just decided to do both of the checkups to be safe. First they weighed me and HOLY WOW I am now 16 1/2 pounds!!! Then they measured me and I was 27 1/2" long!! Holy Moly I sure have grown A LOT since being home!! But my head was only 43 cm, and when compared to the 41 I was at when I was released, my head sure has not grown that much :( Oh well who needs a big head anyways!! After all of that they did some tests to see if I could rollover yet and ya not so much :( Then tested my balance sitting up and yep failed that one too :( Then they tested how well I could stand up and Boo Ya!! I passed that test! You see my legs are WAY stronger than the rest of me and far more advanced, so I will have to make another appointment to see if I need any kind of physical therapy to help me balance and use my hands for more than just chewing on. But I guess this is normal for some preemies :) All the other tests I passed like my hearing and sight tests, and of course my smile test. :) Also no teeth yet they said :( So no steaks for me anytime soon I guess :(
Then the Dr. FINALLY gave daddy the OK to start feeding me some food!!! YAY!!! And I tell ya after the premature departure of my swing last week I sure could use happy news like this!! Then came all the bad stuff. Yep that's right shots... 3 of them... Right in my legs..... One... OUCH! TWO.... CRYING OUCH!!! And THREE SCREAMING OOOOOOOOOOUCH!!!! Oh man these Dr's have no remorse while they stab me either :( I know its supposed to make me healthy but GEEZ this stuff hurts!! Then after THAT ordeal I had to go get blood drawn to test my iron! UGH! I have been poked and prodded so much since birth whats one more hole in my little body! Daddy had to hold me down while the nurse stabbed my tiny little thumb and then the lady had to SQUEEZE it to get the blood out !!!! OUCH AGAIN!! Even worse was that I was told we could not even leave until my finger stopped bleeding!! So daddy got the gauze bandage and squeezed my thumb till it stopped, and at that point in time I had enough and decided to just go to sleep!! Daddy of course did his duties and got my thumb to stop bleeding and then FINALLY we were on our way home :) And to food!! :)
Now there was one rule to my food eating, and that was I could only eat stuff with ONE ingredient  this is so we can tell if I become allergic to any one particular thing. Which is fine by me! Anything is better than formula at this point in time!! Once we got home mommy started me off with some Banana's  and let me tell you I was in such SHOCK over the fact it didn't taste like formula that at first I didn't even like it!! Mom tried a couple more spoon fulls but I was not having it all, probably because I was still pretty cranky from the Dr appointment :( So instead it was off to bed for me because of my really long day. Now my nights have been slightly better than last week. I have gotten used to the fact that my good ole swing is now just a paper weight so I am forced to sleep in my crib. So far so good :) And now with the addition of food in my life mamma can now put rice in my bottle's too to help me out with sleeping, and so far I am only getting up about once or twice a night now :) Yay for me!!
Now during the rest of the week Grandma Berta, Mommy and even sometimes daddy got to feed me different kinds of foods. I have had bananas, pears, apple sauce, carrots, rice and sweet potatoes and so far my FAVORITE by A LOT is Sweet Potatoes  I just LOVE them!! I can almost eat half a jar in one sitting!! This whole food thing is probably the most wonderful thing that has happened to me since Christmas!! :) Thank you Dr's for finally giving in to my food demands :) Over the next few weeks I will let you all know what foods I like and don't like, what a fun time its gonna be trying all these new things :)
As for the rest of the week it was business as usual, that was until Sunday .. It was the SUPERBOWL SUNDAY!!! Yay!! My first one ever! Even though I really didn't care for the teams playing it was sure exciting to see all the action! My god parents came over too and spent the day with us all watching the big game :) Now the only bad part was EVERYONE else got to have BBQ and I was stuck with baby food :( Oh well certainly A LOT better than the way it was before :) Maybe at my next Superbowl I can get to eat the food too!! 
And now I am afraid its that time YET AGAIN to say goodbye :( The week sure started off pretty rough for me, but as always it ended up good with more new and exciting things and great company :) I can't wait to see what new adventures I get into this week :) I love you all and don't forget to check out my March for Babies link below! We only have 89 days left to reach our goal of $2000, So check it out everyone and tell your friends!!! :) Everyone Have a GREAT week and I will see you all next Monday!!! :)
Oh and before I forget Happy Birthday Auntie Jade!!!! :)
Goodnight World!!! :)

March For Babies Team Olivia Vannoy! 
Click My Pretty Face to Help Support Preemies Like Me Today!! :)

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