Monday, March 18, 2013

St. Patties Day With Grandma Berta's Family!!

 Hello there world! Yes another week has passed in my short little life and I am here to tell you the tale of it!! But first things first! Did you all have a great week as well?? I sure hope so cause mine was super fun!! Now I have sure met A LOT of my family members in my short time here on this planet but they all seem to have been on my mom's side, never too many on my dad's side but Saturday that all changed... I FINALLY got to meet some of them!! And better yet it was during a St. Patties Day party!! I will tell you the entire story here a bit later :) For now let me tell you about all the days before that! Well let’s start with my teeth and sigh, yes I STILL only have two teeth :( So my streak of getting a tooth a week ends at 2, oh well maybe this week I will see some more!! My mouth sure is hurting so I know something is about ready to pop soon! And obviously the pain in my mouth has led to LOTS of whininess on my part which includes lots of crying and throwing fits when it gets REALLY bad! At first I thought I may have been sick because of my constant runny nose, but no I think its teething as usual :( Even though I do think I may have some kinds of pet and dust allergies because my nose NEVER stops getting plugged up!! And of course the teething nightmare has also led to being up at all times of the night and waking up quite easily, AND it being hard to get me to sleep in general, ugh the only thing I can say is only 18 more teeth to go! 
Now on that subject of sleeping I think my days of being in my Halo blankie (AKA STRAIGHT JACKET!) are numbered. You see preemies LOVE to be swaddled more so than normal babies, so I have been swaddled in the halo every night since basically I got of my box. BUT my super preemie strength has caused these halos to only last for a good 15 min before I masterfully get out of them. I just LOVE to wave my hands around now and grab things and even when its bed time I see something that I just HAVE to grab or touch and ya that leads to me thinking its play time instead of bed time and I stay up longer than I should :( And it also leads to me to knocking the bottle out of my mouth as well. Now I do know how to pick up my bottle now and bring it to my mouth but I never get the angle quite right and my hands are constantly moving so it does not work out very well in the end. My mommy tried to get me to go to sleep without it and that lasted a whole 10 min before daddy found me laying on my tummy with my arm wrapped under the mattress and me stuck in-between the mattress and the crib bars, he thought it was quite funny but let me tell ya being stuck really is not fun!! I SCREAMED until daddy came and saved me, then next you know it was back to the halo again. Just like my swing (god rest it’s soul) I am going to have to get used to life without the halo and learning to calm my crazy hands down while I am trying to sleep :) 
My crawling skills have yet to improve as well. I just love to roll around so much that I never take time to see if my knees can actually move once I am up with arms extended. Just this past week I learned that I can sit on my knees when I get upon my arms so I think it’s just only a matter of time before I learn I can actually move my knees to start crawling! So my guess is I will be crawling in the next month, I’ll keep you all posted of course :) My new favorite toy of the week is this ball that moves on its own and talks to me! (thank you Grandma Moisio)It’s super fun to smack it and hear it sing and talk and glow. It also helps me move around when I am on my tummy because I am constantly trying to chase that crazy thing down! I hit a button then boom! It moves and I have to roll around to try to catch it! And when someone forgets to turn it on I get mad! Just the other day I was put on the ground and I smacked a button and NOTHING!! I cried and cried until daddy showed up and noticed his horrible error of not turning on the power switch. But once he turned it on life was livable once again :) 
Now just like the last couple weeks it was very slow and just lots of time with Mommy, Daddy and my brothers and sister. That was until Saturday! Now I don’t know too much about St. Patties day other than everyone wears green or they get pinched!!! So in order to avoid that unpleasant though my Grandma Berta got me a lovely green outfit! Now before I begin my parents had lost their minds and FORGOT the camera so the pictures for this day are very limited and I apologize :( Anyways Grandma came over and So did Uncle Joey and then we were off to my Auntie Laurie’s house! Now she is my grandma Berta’s Cousin Laurie so just so I don’t confuse anyone I will just call her Auntie. She is also my daddies God Mother too! Very cool :) Anyway after a VERY long drive we arrived and I was introduced to all of my Grandma Berta’s family I have never met! I got to meet Auntie Laurie, Auntie Yvonne, and Uncle Glen All people whom were very close to my grandma and my daddy too! I also got to meet their kids as well, and their kids’ kids too! There was probably close to 50 people there!! Also my Auntie Pattie was there too (whom is my daddies aunt AKA my Grandma’s sister! Got it?) We spent a long amount of time visiting with everyone before it was dinner time, and then I was the star of the show! Everyone at the table noticed how smiley I was and they were amazed how someone whom has been through so much in life could be so happy all the time! But HEY that’s WHY I am so happy! Happy to be home! Happy to be around you all for the first time!! Happy to return the smiles that are given to me :) I was even surprised to hear that over half of them had already heard of me and even followed me on this very blog at one point in time!! That of course makes me feel extra special :) At dinner daddy tried to give me some mashed potatoes so I would not feel left out but I was not having it! Ya that was my first experience with potatoes and so far I am not a fan! After dinner everyone got around the TV and watched some home video’s of the family from the 60’s and 70’s. I even got to see Grandma Berta as a little girl too! It was crazy!! After that it was game time where we all got to vote on the best Irish saying and whom wore the most green, of course I lost both contests because I fell asleep :( Oh well I will get them next time!! All in all I had a wonderful time meeting the people whom were part of Grandma’s early life and my daddy’s life as a child. I sure did love all the lovings I got from all of you and all the positive thoughts and prayers :) I surely can’t wait to do it all again soon too :) Again thank you all and I better see you all gain soon!!  Here is a big group photo of all the kids together :)
Well that was it for my week, as always I learned new things, got better at other things, and got to hang out with family new and old :) These are the things that make life great for me, and the things that I hope all of you get to share in your own lives too! And if not for any reason you can always come here and I will share my life and love with you :) I am going to head to sleep now because my mouth is killing me, so wish me luck guys, another week of growing some more teeth and driving the people around me crazy with all my demands! I love you all and please be sure to visit my team page for March Of Babies, we only have 46 days left so PLEASE spread the word. We need to help out the other preemie babies out there that need to get their own loving embraces from the comfort of their own home :) 
Good Night world! Olive Vannoy Out!

March For Babies Team Olivia Vannoy! 
Click My Pretty Face to Help Support Preemies Like Me Today!! :)

1 comment:

  1. You are getting incredibly big!!! I look at you a few months ago and now and am amazed!!!! Love you!!
