Monday, April 8, 2013

2 Front Teeth for this Super Sick Princess!!

Hello everybody!! I wish I could say this week has been as happy as I look in the picture above, BUT it wasn't, nope not at all, it was a rough week cause this little baby was SUPER sick!!! Like scream at the top of my lungs cause I'm in pain sick!! That was because my ear had an infection!! Don't know how I got it, or where it came from, but it showed up and made my night times a nightmare!! Remember last week when I said if i did not get any better I was gonna have to go to the Dr.? Well ya mommy made me an appointment on Tuesday and daddy took me in after work. Now daddy  thought I just had a little cold but nope!! (guess Mom was right!)The Dr. said I had some nasty infections in my right ear, so every time I would lay down flat it would really start to hurt!! So THAT'S why I could not get to sleep or stay asleep all last week!! So the Dr gave me some yummy pink medicine that I have to drink twice a day until Thursday. But so far its been working wonders!! I can now lay down flat again without all the crazy pain involved with it! I can tell you what though I certainly don't like being sick and neither do my parents!! I am a pretty miserable baby when it comes to being in pain let me tell ya! 
But I guess it all wasn't so bad. Around Friday I was really starting to feel like myself! So I was back to playing with my toys and chewing on everything in sight! As you can see above I'm playing with my fancy new Easter toy! That my friends is my very own remote!! You see I think the bunny from last week figured out that my daddy did not appreciate me chewing on his expensive remote, so the good ole bunny brought me one instead! It is super cool too! It sings me songs and counts and does all kinds of fun stuff! Speaking of chewing on things, I was giving a good nibble to my daddies hand and then out of nowhere he shrieked in pain and excitement at the same time! And that was because of the discovery of not one, BUT TWO new teeth!!! 
YEP 2!! My two front teeth at that! I now have 4 teeth!! And I got a molar growing in the back of my mouth too! Now with these fancy new teeth I have been able to try these new Yum Yum snacks!!! My uncle Joey got them for me on Easter and I have been munching on them ever since! So much daddy had to go buy me a new box!! You see they are like giant crackers that turn into mush the second I start eating them DELICIOUS!! Thank you Uncle Joey I love them!! Other than that nothing else really new to report here. Once I was feeling better I started trying to practice to crawl again, and yep still cant figure it out, so I'll just stick to rolling around on the ground to get around for now :)
Oh I almost forgot! I did go over to my god parents house on Saturday night for dinner, and to meet their new puppy! Now that puppy was as small as my foot! In fact it looked like a Preemie Puppy!! At first I thought it was just a stuffed animal and then it started to move and come after me!!! And stuffed animals ARE NOT supposed to come to life!!! That little puppy climbed up on my lap and started licking my face and I did not like it ONE BIT!!! In fact it freaked me out to the point of histarics!! I was eventually able to get the killer puppy off my face by screaming for help, Amber came to my rescue and got her of my pretty face!!! But I'll tell you what I couldn't stop staring at the preemie puppy! She was really cute and fun, but I don't really want her near me though at the moment! Puppy kisses STINK!! And while I was getting harassed by the puppy mommy and daddy ate with my god parents and I got to eat some more of my Yum Yum's :) I had a really fun time, thanks God parents for having me over and hopefully your puppy stops licking baby faces!!
 ^ You see that, you know what that means! Yep its nighty night time for me! BUT FIRST I need to say happy 28th birthday to my Auntie Vicki!!!! I love you soooo much and I hope you had a great day!!! And lastly today is my sister's BIRTHDAY!!! She turned 6 today!!! And Grandma Berta came by with Uncle Joey and Auntie Sarah to celebrate!! She got some cool presents too!! I'm SUPER Jealous!! It seems like EVERYONE has had a birthday but me! But have no fear next month is my big moment and now I am just counting down the days :) So Happy Birthday you two, I love you both SOOOOOOOOOO much!!!! And my march for babies is now only 25 days away, so click on my pretty face below to see how YOU can help out pretty preemies all over the world :) I love you all and I hope I have a much better week this week!! This weekend is my sister's birthday party so I need to save up all my energy for that crazy party :) Good night everybody Olive is off to bed!!

March For Babies Team Olivia Vannoy! 
Click My Pretty Face to Help Support Preemies Like Me Today!! :)

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