Monday, April 15, 2013

Birthday For My Sister & I Have Separation Issues!!! EEEEK!!!

Hello everybody! Well I am back and feel better than ever!! Well maybe not 100% better but I would say at least 70% All last week I finished up my med’s and my ear infection seems to have packed its bags and left my pretty little head! And of course that was good news for me because I was FINALLY able to lie down flat again and sleep better :) BUT that does not mean I had an easy week at all getting to sleep. Ya I just don’t know what it is, I get laid down to sleep then about 5 minutes later I am up and crying. I think I am developing some major attachment issues!! When mommy or daddy leaves me in a room and I notice they are not there I FREAK out and start crying!! And I continue to cry until they pick me up and hold me again for a bit! I don’t know what it is but it feels like if they walk out of the room I may NEVER SEE THEM AGAIN!!! And what a horrible thought that is for a little baby like me!!! But once they get me and hold me I am A’ok and they ensure me that they are going nowhere, but man oh man that’s a scary feeling!! For 11 months I have bonded with my parents and just the thought of them leaving scares me! I don’t know why now all of the sudden I am having these feelings but I sure don’t like them!! Maybe that’s why I can’t sleep at night??? Oh well, either way they always come to make me feel better, and rock me back to sleep :) Even with the ear infection going away and getting real food in my tummy I STILL wake up about 1-3 times a night, and only on the RAREST of occasions do I ever sleep through the night! Time to face facts I just can’t be away from either of them that long and when I do I cry to get them back, and like cockwork they ALWAYS come back to get me :)
Well besides my separation anxiety I have been having a great time working on sitting up on my own! Now I can sit ANYWHERE and hold myself up the ENTIRE time!! This is really cool until I get too crazy with my movements and tumble over! Now I am SUPER close to getting myself back up once I do fall and I should have this figured out really quick! Now I just sit there on the floor and play with all my toys around me! I can reach out and grab them, chew on them, and then throw them to make way for new toys to play with!! Just yesterday I was sitting next to daddy while he was playing a game on the TV and he handed me a controller too! Instead of playing with him I just chewed on it and beat on buttons till I unexpectedly quit his game while he was playing it!! Sufficed to say I will never get to use that controller again :( Oh well I still had plenty of stuff to play with aka chew on, around me :)
No new news in the teething category. I still have my two top and bottom front teeth and that’s about it! I can tell something is about to pop up soon in the back but it just hasn't happened yet! And lately I have noticed that NO ONE will let me chew on their hands anymore! I think I may bite too hard :( Heck sometimes I bite my own hands and feet too hard! And yes I do like to chew on my tootsies :) But all this extra chewing practice is sure going to get me ready for my birthday cake! Yep that my friends is only a month away now!! Can you believe it! ME the preemie princess weighing in at almost 19 pounds will be having her 1st birthday party next month! Oh man I can’t wait!! I can only imagine all the yumminess of my very first cake! And getting presents too! I can’t wait to “try” to open my first presents! Christmas time I could not do much but hopefully this time I can figure it out!! Now if you want an invite to my birthday spectacular you need to be sure to let me know in the comments section, or send my mommy and daddy an email! You know me I have A LOT to celebrate considering where I am today! What a long year it sure has been, but as always I wouldn’t trade it in for anything :)
As for the rest of my week I pretty much just worked on getting healthy, getting up on my own, driving my parents bonkers, and having my sister’s birthday party!!! All the family was over as usual and we all celebrated the fact that my sister Lexi just turned 6!! Her best friend Brookie was even over for the entire weekend!! She got soooo much pretty and fun stuff that I sure was envious of!! Lots of dolls, glitter tattoo’s, new GORGEOUS clothes, and even a fish bowl!! Pretty crazy seeing fish for the first time, there are just like me when I am in water, kicking and splashing and having a great time! Very cool gifts sister! I hope you liked everything you got too! And like always, I got to sit in my walker thingy and watch EVERYONE else enjoy their cake and ice cream!! I tell you NO MORE PEOPLE!!! THE NEXT TIME THERE IS A PARTY, I SHALL BE THE ONE ENJOYING CAKE!! AND YOU ALL SHALL BE THE ONES WATCHING!! HAHAHAHA!!! Ok but seriously its getting old seeing you all enjoy yourself with sweets and I get liquefied peas and squash…. Ya thanks a lot people!! :) Either way as usual I had a great time and it was really fun seeing my sister so happy and excited!! Thank you all for coming and a VERY BIG happy birthday to you big sister I love you!!! :)
Besides the birthday party I DID get to spend my first 
fair amount of time outside!! Yep!!! On Sunday mommy and daddy had to clean up the front yard and do yard work, so who gets to watch me you ask, well that was solved by bringing me outside!! Mamma got me all bundled up and put me in my walker thingy and I got to sit on the deck and watch them work!! AND I got to see the big blue skies and all the trees, and hear the birds, it was fantastic!! And it was fascinating to just watch mom and dad do all that work! They got to play in the dirt, dig in the ground and cut some bushes and grass!! Sure looked like fun too! Maybe by the time the summer months roll around and I learn to actually walk, or heck EVEN CRAWL, I can come out and help them next time. Either way it sure was fun being outside for more than just being transported back and forth from my carseat! Can’t wait to do it again!!
AAAAAND as always it’s time to say good bye! I had a pretty long night last night and I must get to sleep at a decent hour! So I bid you all farewell and I hope to see you all next week! Now I am still debating on what I am going to do with my little blog/website, so here sometime soon I will leave it all up to you the reader! I will put up a poll on what to do with my website after I turn one. Originally this blog was just going to last till I got home, and now look at me still writing away and I am almost 1 now!! I know this can’t go on forever but I just don’t know what to do from here on out, so I’ll come up with some ideas over the next few months and leave it up to you guys to vote on :) LASTLY there is only 18 days till my march for babies walk! So please click on my VERY BEAUTIFUL picture below (past the picture of me asleep) to see how YOU can be a part of helping preemies like myself and their families in their times of need :)
I love you all and I will see you all next Monday! Olivia the Prettiest Preemie Princess in the World Is Outta Here!!!

March For Babies Team Olivia Vannoy! 
Click My Pretty Face to Help Support Preemies Like Me Today!! :)

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