Monday, April 1, 2013

Olive's First Easter with Family & Friends!!!!

Wow what a week! Lots of fun times and good memories, but everything can't always be rainbows and lollypops because there were also tough times too :( Yes besides the fun of having this be my first Easter experience I was really sick all week and plus I had to go to the Dr’s on Tuesday for more of my shots :( So yes the week started out pretty rough but ended with some serious happy times!! :) So first things first, I hope you all had a wonderful Easter with your families as I did! Nothing like the holidays to bring everyone together for good times!! And after the start of the weekI had, I sure did need it let me tell ya! The week started off with daddy taking me to get the last of my synagis shots and you can imangine how excited I was for that. He mentioned to the nurse about how hard it is for me to sleep lately because of tooth pain so she suggested getting me some Tylenol to help out with the pain. So we started to try that this week and let’s just say it’s better than nothing :( But that was not the reason why we were there of course, I had to get shots in both my legs again, and I was already having a rough day so getting stabbed in both legs really didn’t help matters at all :( Daddy had to hold me down and then I lost it! I cried for the entire 20 minute wait after the shots until we had to go and half way through the ride home! Eventually I just fell asleep and later after I woke up I basically forgot it happened at all because I was back to being concerned with my teeth again! Ugh! So we tried the Tylenol that night and it kind of helped but I was still up all night as usual :( Oh I forgot to tell you what I weighed! I was weighed in at 18 pounds 13 ounces!! YOU SEE I JUST KEEP ON GROWING!!! It’s so hard to believe that my height and weight is slowing catching up to what a normal 10 month old baby should be! I am well above the average on my adjusted age of 7 months so it’s almost looks as if I never was a preemie to begin with! Crazy how much can change in a small amount of time :) 
Now the very next day was Wednesday and that was BY FAR my worst day :( You see that was because I caught a very bad cold and I even had a fever!! It was over 101 degrees at one point! Luckily we still had the Tylenol from the night before (and good thing we had it too) so I was able to take some and have my fever break in about an hour. But let me tell you I was miserable! I just laid there in mommies and daddies arms that whole time because I had no energy to do anything :( Now if you knew me pretty well you would understand why this was strange for everyone involved. Normally I NEVER STOP MOVING! My legs, arms, head, hands are always moving mostly because  I am just a hyper baby and I love it! But that day I pretty much just laid there and did nothing :( Mommy and daddy were worried for a while but I had to explain to them I am a professional fighter and like always I will be ok :) Now I still am sick mind you, and I never got any better than just my fever not coming back, so I am going to give it a couple more days to see where I am at before I have to go back to the Dr’s again :( And when you have already spent 33% of your total life time in a hospital, trust me that’s the LAST place you ever want to be again. So wish me luck and let’s hope my fighter instincts kick back in and I can kick this nasty cold!! :) 
No real achievements this week either :( No new teeth, no new feats just a lot of lying around and crying for someone to come and hold me. Now I did get in some play time here and there when I was up for it, and yep still can’t crawl, or sit up on my own for any extended length of time. Still can’t figure out how to hold a bottle steady enough to actually eat from it. The only thing I am doing really good at and A LOT of is grabbing things!! Everything now that’s within reach or sight is fair game for my hands to grab!! So if you’re around me keep your phones, pop cans, remotes, jewelry, food, even money AWAY from me!! Because I WON’T give it back (especially the money!!!) Just ask my sister Alexis about how I wanted her hair! Yeah I almost got it too until mommy came in and intervened! Ugh just jealous of all that hair is all :) And now sister and I are no longer on talking terms :( Hehehe just kidding :) 
As for the rest of the week it was ALL Easter related! First of all Thursday night all the kids got together and started to dye some Easter eggs! Now I really don’t know why they were doing that or what the importance of it is but it sure looked like fun! So much so that I cried out for someone to come get me so I could join in on the fun! Of course daddy got me and handed me over to mom and then I got my very own egg :) Now I found out I could not eat it so I just licked it for a while until I got bored and tried to slam it on the table. Mommy got it before any real damage could occur and then Jayce dyed it for me :) It sure was fun watching all the pretty colors and designs my siblings were coming up with, I hope I can help out next year and do my own too! Oh and hopefully someone explains to me why we color eggs anyway! Seems kinds odd if you ask me! 
Then on Saturday we went over to Auntie Vickie’s house to visit with my mommy’s family for an early Easter dinner!! Everyone on was there too, Cousin Sammi and Matti, Grandpa Andy and Grandma Debbie, Auntie Vicki and Uncle Terry too! And guess what! Matti was coloring eggs too!!! So I guess my family isn’t crazy after all  and EVERYONE does this for Easter!! Still can’t figure out why though….. hmmmmm I need to get down to the bottom of this one! Everyone got to eat a yummy dinner (except me of course!) and visit with each other too. It was really fun seeing my cousin’s too! Matti did an amazing job on his eggs! And Sammi finally has so much hair that now I actually feel bad for all the jokes I made before! Oh well I supposed the joke is on me because now I am the one with no hair!!! Eventually I got really wore out from all the playing I was doing and it was getting late so we all had to go, thank you so much guys for having us over I had a great time!!! I love you all and Happy Easter!! :) Now later that night I kept waking up to weird noises downstairs… Lots of hopping noises and it sounded like someone was eating…. Of course I have yet to figure out how to break out of my crib so I was unable to figure out what was going on exactly…. This went on for about 5-10 minutes, hop, hop, hop, than a crack. Very weird….. Sounded like someone was setting stuff down on a table too…I will have to investigate further tomorrow… 
Oh yes Sunday had came and that meant its EASTER! Now I have been asking all week what is Easter and what does it mean? Now up to this point I figured out that you make hard boiled eggs then you paint them with fancy colors and then you decorate them, sometimes even putting people names on them. Then you put them all in a basket on a table the night before Easter. But why I ask!! Annnnnnd then I found out! It's for The EASTER BUNNY!! You see he came last night and dropped off baskets for all us kids and ate some of the eggs we left him!! THAT was the hopping noise from the night before!! That crazy rabbit even left some egg shells on the table form the eggs he ate, and a nice mess for mommy and daddy to clean!! Now my brother Jayce filled me in on who the Easter bunny was and then I was supper excited to see the gifts he brought me! I got some new toys!! And a new stuffed animal!! I totally love them too!!! Jayce and I played with all our new stuff that entire morning while mommy and daddy watched and took pictures :) What a happy day!! And then to top it all off Grandma Berta came over with Joey! My auntie Sarah came too and so did Auntie Jade!! We all got together to have us some Easter dinner!! (Yet again I was not invited to this particular meal!!) Oh well daddy tried to feed me some small chunks of ham and that was not happening so it was back to rice and formula for me!! Everyone stayed for the majority of the day and it was super fun! We all visited and played and nowI can safely say after careful observations I know what Easter is! You see Grandma Berta told me it’s the day to celebrate re-birth and all things new. Now what this has to do with a bunny bearing gifts is beyond me but I sure don’t mind him coming by either way :) You tricked me this year bunny but next year I will find you and give you a big hug and a thank you :) 
Eventually everyone had to go and it was bed time for me. Thank you all for spending this special holiday with me, I sure loved every moment of it too! And to all of you I was unable to spend it with I hope you all had a great Easter as well! Livi loves you all and is always thinking about you too! :) But before I go I must remind you all that my March for Babies walk is just around the corner! In just 32 days my group is going to be doing there walk for premature babies everywhere! If you would like to donate or just to visit our team page to root us on please click on my pretty face below! Ok now it’s REALLY time for me to get some sleep. I am still am sick and need to get some rest to get better quickly, mostly so I can get back to playing with my new toys and working on my crawling and balance skills!! I love you all soooo much and I will see you all soon again next week!!
Good Night Everybody, Livi is Out!

March For Babies Team Olivia Vannoy! 
Click My Pretty Face to Help Support Preemies Like Me Today!! :)

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